Monday, June 14, 2010


For this what i did was take the chorus and thats how the song starts out. Then i took a line from in the song and put it before the guitar riff. The guitar riff is transposed so it goes from the lower version to the higher version throughout the song. I took two reggae drumbeats and had them switching on and off throughout the song as you can hear. For the vocals i used the whole song original version. Then when there is a break. I decided to used the songs original clip and use some noise to fade back into my rythm. I find that it isn't the best by fr but I think it works out in the end alright and I was satisfied

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

project 6

For this this project at the beginning i used some white noise fading in. When the white noise stops a upbeat drum clip starts, and a bass part that i got from sytrus. Then after a couple of measures i have one of my synths playing it is a sharper bell type sound that cuts over the bass and flows ok with the drum beat . After that clip is over I used my second synth in the same style. This synth sound more breathy and quieter than the first one. The way I end my clip is with the bass. Its not my favorite piece that i have done, but i think its alright, i would like any suggestions to help make this one a little bit better. The first synth consist of sine waves and a svf sound on it, i decided not to use a delay because it was messing up the sound of the song. The second synth is a sine wave and another sharper wave

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

project 5

In this project for my riff machine riff i used bp string which is the sound that starts out the clip. Then for the drums i tried to make it fit with the bp string so it is a lite and playful beat with a shaker claves and a couple other neat sounds. Then for my bass line i used cytrus and used my keyboard to make up the part. Then for the filler i used fl keys for the piano sound and also made up my riff with the keyboard. This is a softer type of music i made it this way because i like the sound of the original riff

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Project 3

For this clip i used Synthy Lead bass, boobass, and FPC. They are all simple, for the automation clips I took the Lead bass and used the panning feature so that it moves from ear to ear. I also used the channel volume for the SLB. For the boobass i used the Volume multiplier envelope. I also used Channel pitch for the transposed SLB.It doesn't really sound like anything i can think of

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project 4

The mixed version

The original

For this i used Slayer FPC, and Brass under 3x 0sc. Everythings starts at once so that it can be a flawless loop if you were to repeat it over and over. I used the XY controller for the brass and the fruity filter for slayer and also vocodex. For the fpc i used the effect template with a delay which made the bass dru sound like 16th note when actually its quarter notes. I also used Hardcore set under the preset Funky fg. This gives it a deeper sound. With all the different effects the original (the second clip ) sounds much different than the ones with the effects.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Project 2

In project two i used four different channels: Fl Slayer, FPC, SimSynth and Boobass.I used Fl slayer to make up my guitar parts, i used the chopp tool to get a good rythm and then kept the pattern but changed some of the pitches. For two of the three guitar parts I transposed the first lower picht guitar part to a higher pitched and they rotate back and forth. What i did for FPC was took the section of drumbeats that would fit most with this song style and pop seemed to work best. So I took two rythms that sounded the same but had a different bass and snare rythms but still the same drum. I did this so that it sounds like one longer rythm when actually it is two that blend together. I also used FPC piano roll to create the drum break toward the 3/4 mark of the song and also the ending with the deap toms and crash symbol. The Simsynth was used to make a slightly akward, carnival, interesting sound that goes down and back up the scale. It is the opening to the song and used in measures 19-23 were it was transposedto a lowwer pitch so the song would end on a low sim to a high guitar then to a low deap feeling guitar and drum. For the Boobass i used the chop tool to make a bass line. I have one lower calm bass line and another choppier bass line that alternate with the different guitar parts.

The song starts out with the carnival type sound and when it starts the second time the 2 drum beats start alternating. Then the low pitch bass comes and alternates with the choppier bass. The carnival stops playing and heads into the guitar parts that swap from the higher to the transposed lower. After some measures of that it cuts out and goes into a drumbreak. After the drum break the Carnival and drumbeats start up and stop again to one of the guitar parts then to a low dark guitar riff and ends with six tom hits and a crash symbol.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Project 2 day 1

Today I started the second project in music tech. I played around with fpc, slayer, poizone, and toxic biohazard. I liked all of them but since i like the drums the fpc was the best. I used chop for slayer, used a loop for fpc, and piano roll for the other two. Out of all the three ways to make a rythm my favorite was piano roll without chopping it. I do like chop for the fact that from as far is i have learned in fl that the notes can be shorter with chop than you can with just piano roll. I like piano roll because it lets you create your own rythms using different pitches. The song so far is comming around good but it will be alot better after vacation.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2nd drumbeat

In this drum beat i liked the sound of the sidestick in my first i also used it here, but they are nothing alike. The last one was a mix between pop and punk but this one is more punk mixed with classic rock. The drum fills in this one use toms not just the snare and bass drum. The breaks were supposed to sound like a mix between John Bottom, Neil Pert and Keith Moon (if they sound like that to you thats good but if not thats okay it is just my opinion.) I also change from loose hi hat to cowbell then to open then closed right after hit for the hi hat. The bass drum is just the default bass.

first drumbeat

In my first drum beat I gave it sort of a punk rock Travis barker kind of feel to it (that is just my opinion, you can think what you want.) Instead of using a straight up snare I turned the stick sideways and used the side stick effect. I gave the bass drum a mix between a punk rock and pop kick to it, so it doesn't sound like a party boy dance but not loose and tinny like punk rock can be. For the cymbals i used a semi open high hat so it didn't sound more like a classic rock beat. The breaks are just different rhythms on the snare and kick peddle. What i like about this beat is that it is actually possible to play on a set and doesn't have any claps and snaps.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

